Enjoy much more of what you earn.

Welcome to our site.

We are in the very early stages of development but we have much to share to show you how to enjoy much more of the money you earn.

We decided to publish and put our site live as we go so we can ask you, our reader, what topics are of the most interest to you. We are in early draft stage of our site, but please email me at russell@thriftythriver.com with any topics you would like to see us cover.

There are many things competing for your money. 

Much of our money is spent on only a few things and we will show you specific ways how to save a significant amount of your money while still getting what you need and want.

We will show you how to improve the quality of your life.

Not by working more or earning more, but by keeping more of what you earn for yourself.

We will share with you time tested strategies to help you keep more of your money that you already are earning.

This “extra” money can be used for anything you choose, but we will also share ideas that may change your life. (Eventually, on another page, Richest Man In Babylon)

This is NOT about being cheap or buying the least expensive option.

Cheap is expensive.

Let me repeat, CHEAP is EXPENSIVE.  

Unfortunately, many are guided into the “cheapest” option because of short term view and because it seems like the most affordable option, looking paycheck to paycheck or month to month.

Often the cheapest price tag or cheapest monthly payment ends up one of the most costly options over the long run.

We will share specific strategies to help you buy the things you want and need with the least amount of money.

This IS about maximizing the money you spend to GET what you want or need and spend the least long term and sometimes short term as well.

Mindset is a factor too.  Thrifty and thriving go hand in hand.  Just because you can afford something, does not necessarily mean buying it is a good idea.  Sometimes the illusion of affordability affects us too.

If you just want to focus on the few areas where most of your money is going and maximize those costs buy getting what you need while cutting those expenses, we will show you how to save a ton of money each year.

If you want to take a look at where all your money is going and get efficient on all of your expenses, we can help with that as well and it may change your life.

Often when people really look at where their money is going and what they are getting in return and couple that with getting what they want and need in a more efficient way and also eliminating some expenses they realize they no longer want or need, they get to a point where there is a lot of money left over each month. 

This extra money every month can be life changing.

It can be used for many things and sometimes is used to not have the NEED to earn as much as one once did.  This can be very liberating and often leads to job changes that can improve quality of life.

Get to a point where not spending so much can buy you less stress because you do not need to earn as much.

First step is to know where all your money is all going.

Again, We are in the very early stages of development but we have much to share to show you how to enjoy much more of the money you earn.

We decided to publish and put our site live as we go so we can ask you, our reader, what topics are of the most interest to you. We are in early draft stage of our site, but please email me at russell@thriftythriver.com with any topics you would like to see us cover.

Check back in soon and check out:

  • Many specific ways to keep more of your money you earn.
  • Identify places you are spending more money than needed to get same value.
  • Housing
  • Transportation, including that car you have or wish you had
  • The “magic” of compounding interest and is it working for you or against you?
  • Pay yourself first
  • Food
  • Insurances
  • Entertainment
  • Monthly subscriptions and services
  • “Stuff” we buy, both needed and not so much
  • Buying things based on monthly payments – that is what “they” want us to do

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